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China Western Power Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd. (CWEC)Successfully Signed a Waste-to-Energy EPC Contract in Colombo, Sri Lanka


China considers Sri Lanka as an important partner under the strategy of One Belt,One Road .Relationship between China and Sri Lanka has been always good . With the support of the strategy of One Belt,One Road and unremitting efforts, China Western Power Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CWEC)successfully signed a waste-to-energy EPC project (700t/d) in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka , contract amount is 5,100 dollars ,about 340 million yuan . Construction period of this project is 24 months .Grate boiler technologies are adopted for this project, key equipment is domestic .It is the first waste-to-energy EPC project that CWEC contracts in South Asia Region and it is also the first project of CWPC in Sri, Lanka,setting a very good example for our overseas businesses ,especially the development and implementation of untapped projects in Sri,Lanka .

As the first waste-to-energy project in Sri,Lanka , Sri lankan government attaches great importance on it . The commencement ceremony of this project was grandly held in Colombo on August 10, 2017. President and ministers of Sri,Lanka, officials and dignitaries attended this ceremony . It was broadcasted live on state TV and reported by media.

The owner,Aitken Spence (hereinafter referred to as AS),is an old-brand public company ,who has history for more than 100 years and it is also a large-scale private enterprise with strong capabilities and abundant funds . Main businesses of AS are electric power,new energy ,hotel ,tourism and logistics,etc.

Using this project as the basis, CWEC is committed to going forward with AS to provide more harmless and sustainable solutions for domestic waste in Colombo and unfailing green power for people in Colombo.
